Friday, October 30, 2009

The Basics of Saying Thank You, Excuse Me, and Please in Spanish

by Candace Blocker

When trying to under stand Spanish you must first know the basics like saying thank you, excuse me, and please. These are just the basics of speaking Spanish Here Are 3 Ways To Say Thank You, Your Welcome, And Excuse Me.

When you are trying to get somebody’s attention you say ¡Disculpe! Which means excuse me. You can use it when you are passing through the halls or even trying to get the teachers attention is class one day.

When it’s your birthday and people are showering you with gifts you would say ¡Muchas Gracias! To show that you are really excited and happy about all the great gifts you are receiving! You can say thank you when someone gives you a compliment like “ You look pretty today”. And you respond and say ¡Gracias! That’s another way to say Thank you.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trying to Understand The Days of the Week in Spanish

by Candace Blocker

Trying to understand the days of the week may be difficult when trying to understand but here is an easy study guide:

It should be noted that unlike in English, THE DAYS OF THE WEEK IN SPANISH ARE NOT CAPITALIZED!!!

This applies to real life as one will need to know the days of the week at some time in their lives.

The Weather and Forecasts in Spanish

by Candace Blocker

Trying to understand the weather in Spanish may be difficult. So that’s why I am listing a few things to help you better understand it.

*bastante means very*

These are ways to tell someone what the weather is like outside. Lets say your sister asks you what’s the weather like today.? You respond “Hace bastante frio. Meaning it’s very cold. Or if it’s just chilly then you would respond and say “Hace frio”.

Friday, October 23, 2009

How to tell and say time in Spanish.

Before you can learn time, one must know the Spanish numbers from one-twelve.

Uno - One
Dos - Two
Tres - Three
Cuatro - Four
Cinco - Five
Seis - Six
Seite - Seven
Ocho - Eight
Nueve - Nine
Diez - Ten
Once - Eleven
Doce - Twelve

With these numbers, you will be able to learn how to tell time.

For numbers two - twelve, you can begin the phrase "It's .....o'clock" with Son las.
Ex. = Son las cinco. (It's five o'clock.)

This rule, however, cannot be used for uno. The phrase for uno is Es la.
Ex. = Es la una. (It's one o'clock)

For telling the number of minutes, it would be nice to know the numbers one - sixty.
Now, for the minutes, you can add these numbers, with y separating your hour and your minutes:
Ex. = Son las diez y veinte. (It's ten-twenty.)
Ex. = Es la una y diez. (It's one-ten.)

But there are also shorter ways to say the amount of minutes. They are:

cuatro = ... :15
medía = ... :30
menos cuatro = ... :45

It should be noted that for menos cuatro, you must add an hour so it'll make sense. If you are trying to say that it's 7:45, instead of saying son las siete menos cuatro, you would say son las ocho menos cuatro. This is because menos cuatro means minus a quarter. You need to minus a quarter of an hour in order to get your correct time.

To give the time of the day, there are three ways. At the end of your phrase, you can say...

de la manaña = in the morning
de la tarde = in the afternoon
de la noche = in the evening/at night

You can add these to any of your time phrases.

Es la una y medía de la tarde. (It's one-thrity in the afternoon.)
Son las tres menos veinte de la manaña (It's two-forty in the morning.)
Son las ocho y veinticinco de la noche. (It's two-twenty five in the evening.)

In order say when you are going to have something, you can say Á las.

For example, if your meeting was going to start at 10 AM, and a co-worker were to ask you when the meeting started, you can tell this co-worker...

Á las diez de la manaña. (At ten o'clock in the morning.)

If you are planning to say that something was going to be at one o'clock, you should say, Á la una.

Ex. = Á la una de la tarde. (At one o'clock in the afternoon.)

In life, one will need to be able how to tell, say, and give time. One will need to be able to know what time it is, how to tell someone what time something will start, and how to tell someone when something will start.

How to say and pronouce the Spanish alphabet.

Here is the Spanish alphabet and there pronunciations:

B: be
C: ce
D: de
E: e
F: efe
H: hache
I: e
J: jota (hota)
K: ka
L: ele
M: eme
N: ene
Ñ: eñe (n+ya)
O: o
P: pe
Q: cu
R: ere
S: ese
T: te
U: u (ooo)
V: ve (be)
W: uve doble
X: equis
Y: e griega
Z: zeta (seta)

The words in parentheses are how to pronounce these words. The Spanish alphabet is very similar to the English alphabet, and consists of 27 letters instead of 26.

It should be noted that ene (n) and eñe (ñ) are TWO DIFFERENT LETTERS!!!

Also, it should be noted that b and v are both pronounced the same way.

In real life, one will need to know the alphabet in order to mingle with a typical Spanish society. It will be needed at some point in their lives. It is necessary for any person who wishes to speak Spanish to learn its alphabet.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to say "you" to a friend and to a person of respect.

In Spanish, there are two possible "you's" that one can use. There is one for a friend, tú, and one for a person who deserves respect, Usted.
Below are a list of questions using tú and Usted:
When speaking to a friend, one can use informal questions with them, such as ¿De donde eres ?

If this is a person of respect, one must say, ¿De donde es usted?.


*Also, it should be noted that if you yourself are a person of respect, and you speak to another person of respect, you both refer to each other with Usted.

In life, you cannot address someone who deserves respect as , as it would be very disrespectful. It is very important to note that friends must always be referred to with tú, and people of respect with Usted.